Dahlia Drive: One Week to Flying the Nest

A plethora of paper, bits of lace, woven seaweed, buckets of buttons and doodads, fraught threads, brushes and dyes fortress my studio. Each item beckons me with endless possibilities. It is my nest. #TheLastHundred humbles me. Every day, there are fewer canvases to print, paint, embellish and dye, yet the nest does not seem to […]
Dahlia Drive Eco Designer’s Final Curtain CallCalifornia, Circle Craft, Continuation Day, Dahlia City, Dahlia Drive, Eagle Rock, Gabrielinos, Glendale, Gretna, Kizh, Los Angeles, Manitoba, Yaahl Guud Tsai

Last Hundred Garments Available at Circle Craft Holiday Market Renowned textile artist Wendy Van Riesen of Dahlia Drive is retiring after 16 years of design and fabrication. The 68-year-old eco fashion designer, grandmother, and Powell River resident invites past, current, and future customers to take a bow with her at the 2023 Circle Craft Holiday […]
Raven’s Eagles Polka Dots to Yáahl, G̱úud, Tsai
‘The relationship between Haida Artists and Haida Gwaii is rather like the formline of Haida art- the black line may thicken or thin but it always remains connected.” Marianne Jones of the Taas Lanaas people “Raven Travelling: Two Centuries of Haida Art” VAG 2021 brings transformation to Ravens, Eagles, Polka Dots. The Truth and Reconciliation […]